Well Ive been really busy this week, with assesments and exams, Im also campaining for Head Boy as well at my school. Magic wise not much as been happening. At school this week I had a really good performance, I was just walking round school card springing, when someone saw me and says "Woah! Do that again!" So I did, and then I said "Do you want to see something really cool...." Then I went into my routine, and couple of other people came to watch, it was really good.

Today was crap though, I had promised a friend a effect he hadnt seen, I was just half way through it when some guys came over (Who had tried to sabotage my performances before) They started to be pricks, so I had to cut the effect short, that was really disappointing. But you have to learn to live with these people some how.

This weekend Im going to a games expo down in Auckland, I might be able to pull off some effects there, I might beg my mum and see if I can take her camera. Ill put up some photos and maybe some performance vids if I make any.

Cheers, Tom