As some of you may have seen DG is releasing a new effect (through Ellusionist) Fallen. Check the trailer Here
Fallen is the ultimate closer for your ACR (Ambitious Card Routine) You take the signed card, place it into the middle and watch the card slowly....melt through all the other cards... all the way to the top...

No Gimmicks.
No Jerky Movements
Everything can be examined.

On the Theory 11 Forums , there were lots of people speculating about price, amount of content on the DVD and such. Luckily Danny came to our rescue and cleared everything up for us. (Except for a release date!)

"Hey guys...

i hope all is well and that everyone is having a GREAT new year. It has been a while since i have released anything and i would like to thank all of those who have supported me. As you my know i am a BIG believer in not just releasing an effect for the sake of releasing an effect. All the projects i have released so far have been routines taken directly from my repetior and items that i have been performing for years.

With that, FALLEN is no exception. It has been a piece in my ACR for years and i have gotten GREAT reactions from it. For all of those who feel as though this effect didn't "fry" you...that is perfectly ok... you guys are magicians...hahah and i don't expect to fool you guys every time. For those of you who would like to learn ALL the subtleties and little touched that makes this illusion work, FALLEN will be available VERY SOON!

Now i am with all of you and think that the pricing of this should reflect the product...with that said, i would like for you to know that FALLEN will NOT be priced as a standard one trick DVD... it will be much less than $30...less than $25... even less than $20 (and no it's not a cheating $19.95 )

i thank all of you who have supported me in the past and i hope that you like FALLEN and everything else that i have cooked up for this year.

Thanks,Daniel Garcia"

If anyone is looking to start up and ACR I highly recommend Crash Course 2, which can be found Here, Not only does it teach everything you need to know to perform a brilliant ACR it will also teach you sleights that you can use in other routines besides the ACR, this has to be one of the best DVD Ive picked up so far.

Cheers, Tom