Well today I had to get up at 8am (!) and go get some cash out for the bus to the city, because today was the day where Chris graced the world with his presence. So I managed to get a Child ticket to the city and met up with Chris half way there, we got to the city, had a quick stop off in KoC and then headed up to the Metro where we bumped into Chris's friend Clare.

Off to the Metro we continued, we managed to get there in one piece and met up with everyone else and head to the French Pancake place.

Here's what Chris got......

Yummy! So me and Chris had 3 pancakes and we were going to have a contest but being students we don't have enough money. After the pancakes we went up to the arcade and I rocked out on Guitar Hero for a bit....

And I nailed 3 songs on expert and got the high scores :D

And that's pretty much it for now. I shall speak to you peeps laters.

Cheers, Tom