Everyone has been there, Where do I start?

Well first, you should stay away from exposure sites. There full of rubbish. And its looked down upon in the Magic community, its just like those Movie Piracy Adverts, you've all seen them, its stealing.

Second, decide which type of magic you want to perform. Do you like card tricks? Coin tricks? It's important to work out which type of effects you'd like to perform, so you can better gain an understanding as to which product is right for you.

Third, Browse the web, search different forums for recommended products, or you could just message me. Theres so much out there.

Fourth, Ok so you found something you really like, dont click that Buy It Now button right away, research first, Search the web for reviews. If you buy the item and it's terrible, most magic sites say "Tough luck, want to give us more money and buy something else?" So make sure you read at least 3 reviews for that product, because what one person thinks may not be what everyone else thinks.

Well, The very basic for getting started, Ill post more about practising and performing soon :D

Good Sites For Reviews (Note, Reviews will be on the Forum section of the sites)

Thanks, Tom