So tomorrow I'm going to see my very first professional magician and chill out at his house for a bit. His name is Tara Okan and is 1 of 3 professional magicians in New Zealand. So, how did I meet him?

Well it was 5 days before my birthday and I was on the way to work, I had arrived an hour and a half early and had time to kill. So I went to the new mall, that had just opened up. I had a look round, grabbed some breakfast and was just walking about when I saw a magician performing, the first ever good magician I had seen in New Zealand. He was performing the classic linking ring trick. This effect had always fascinated me and I could never work out how it was done. I watched his performance and he finished and went off to find another group of people. I had some cards on me and had my trustee sharpie at my side and I felt compelled to perform. So I went up to these girls who were sitting down and pulled off a simple ACR routine (A great DVD that teach this is found here, I will write a review soon) Gregory Wilson's Weighted Aces (Found on Double Take), a simple card switch and I think that was it. After that, I went looking for the magician again.

I saw him performing the linking rings again, I had seen it so many times but yet it still had me hooked. I was playing with my card just as he was finishing his routine, he saw me playing with them, we had a quick conversation and exchanged phone numbers, met his daughter who was there, then I had to dash to work. And that was the end of that day.

Then on my birthday, after school on friday, I got a text saying to come down to the mall, Tara was performing again. went down there at 5 and didnt get back till 8, Tara took me home and met my parents and sold them to magic. My mum is still a bit unsure, I think my dad is the most excited.

So tomorrow, Saturday, Im going to head down to the city early in the morning and try and find his house, and I will get back to you all late Saturday night ( Got Work Again :( )

Thanks for Reading. Tom