Name: Digital Dissolve
By: BJ Bueno
Teaching: Dan White
Lenght: 27 Minutes

Simple + Direct + Elemental = Pure Magic

A half dollar is placed into a spectator's closed hand. You rest a copper English penny on the back of that same hand, and the copper coin visually changes into the half dollar. The coin is immediately shown on both sides. The spectator opens their hand to find the English penny. Both coins can be fully examined, immediately.

What you get: The DVD, the special Gimmicks you need to perform this, Gimmick case with ultra-special tissue. :D (Every thing you need to perform this come with your purchase).


The Effect: Dan talks about the effect and the creator. Not much really.

Performances: We get to see a live performance of the trick to a group of about five people. Also we get to see/hear Dan's trick that leads into this effect. This is very helpful chapter as you can see what the trick is supposed to look like and also hear the patter Dan uses when hes doing the effect.

Explanation: Dan takes you through the gimmicks and gives another performance. The performance this time is a version you can do without the spectator holding the coins, you do it just in your own hands. (This gets taught later)

The Core Move: Dan goes over the main gimmick again in more detail. He then goes over the core move you will need for the routine once you've mastered this then your pretty much sorted now. The move isn't that hard to pull off, and doesn't take that long until it looks smooth.

The Basic Routine: Dan goes over the routine we see in the performance. (But not the trick that leads into it.) The handling is very easy and you should have no trouble with it. Dan also goes over the clean up briefly as well, so you can hand the coins out.

The One Handed Toss: Dan goes over another handling for the effect. This is the version you can do in your own hands (but can be done using the spectators hands). This is again, not too hard to do, I would say a little bit harder to do than the basic routine. It wont take that long to look smooth.

Final Thoughts: Dan gives his thoughts on the tricks, the people he wants to thanks, and where to find more information about him. Not really anything to help you with the effect.


The Name: A great video about how the name came to be.


Overall Opinion: A good DVD, a little on the short side I think, although all your questions do get answered. Ive been working on this all day today ( Massive big storm, so had to stay inside). I think I got the basics down, I just need someone to practise on now. This is definitely a coin trick for the card guy. This is my first coin trick and I'm an all card guy, this has definitely got me into coins now as well. If your worried about getting this effect don't be, I can promise it wont disappoint, and if it does, no worries, you can return it within 30 days, no questions asked.

So, what are you waiting for?

Cheers, Tom