These past two days have been pretty cool with magic, my name has defiantly spread round the school more. I decided to put on a close up magic show at lunch time and interval (morning tea). This was just out side, the weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky, a perfect time to pull out some effects where you can get some of the worst hecklers.

So, all I did to advertise was just spread the word by telling people what I was going to do and put a note in the school notices. The biggest crowd I got was about 20 (ish). It was really good, my routine was as followed.

  • ACR (About 4/5 phases)
  • Greg Wilsons Weighted Aces
  • 2CM
  • (Then Switch to Ghost Deck)
  • World's Greatest Card Trick
  • Joker Revelation
  • Card Adding (Force a card, eg 10 of D, let them shuffle it, look through pack, put 10 Of D on top and pull out 3 of D and 7 of D, show the 7 and ask if it was their card, no, show 3, no. Then Shapeshifter, I get loads of good reactions from this)
  • Close with the Invisable Deck

Yeah, it was a pretty good couple of days, the only problem was I had the same people return each day and they wanted to see some new stuff. Oh well. It was still legend.

Cheers. Tom

PS. Getting a Video Camera for Xmas :D