Ok, so me and my mate Rob went into the city with our video camera ready to fool the crap out of anyone that came within a meter radius of us. So we got into the city and had a wonder up to the market square, it wasnt that busy, but there were people there who had nothing to do. So I had a wonder and went up to this table of people and asked if they wanted to see some magic and they said ok. I did my normal routine. And though out the whole performance, I only got a small giggle, I could not get a reaction out of them. I was going to close with Witness but I decided not too as I wasnt getting a reaction and I couldnt see the point. So we moved on.

We had a wonder round, bumped into a few of my friends, said Hi and went looking for another bunch of people to perform to. Ok, so me and my mate found two girls sitting down being bored so we went to perform to them. I pulled off my whole routine, I even closed with Witness. I got some good reactions. But the only problem was...My mate forgot to press record..... and just to add on top of that, the Cam decided to go on low battery. Hmm. So with only a single crap perform on Cam. We called it a day and headed home.

We had to stop early as my camera guy wanted to see his girlfriend, I had never met her before and showed her some stuff. She freaked out, if only the camera had been working. After we said laters and headed out into the streets to wait for the bus. I was waiting, standing on this stage like area just messing about with my cards, XCM and stuff like that. When these two random girls came out of no where and asked if I was a magician. They told me they had had a little too much to drink, neither the less, I did some magic and they were completely stunned. Again if only the camera was working.... After a trick or two, the girls thanked me, hugged me and walked of into the distance.....

So that was my day, it had it's ups and downs, but that was really a practise day. Might go filming again soon after my exams.

Cheers, Tom