Ok, so I signed up for PPP (Pay Per Post) about 3 months ago, I heard about it from The Cuso. He posted on his blog saying that you can get payed for posting things on your blogs, such as reviews and other things. Basicly, Announcers set offers for you to write about products/websites/whatever. And you can look through a big list to see if any of those products fit in the context of your blog and you get payed for reviewing and linking back to them. Sounds great?

When you post a successful entry, you can have your money paid into your paypal account. So then you can buy what ever your heart desiers. For me, it will probably something to do with magic.

The only bad thing I found about Pay Per Post, is that your blog has to be at least 90 days old. But other than that, I found PPP easy to use and its a great way to earn a few bucks if you have a blog.

(And by the way, for posting thing I'll be getting $20, its that easy.)

So if you want to set up a Pay Per Post account just send me an email or post a comment and Ill do my best to help you out.

Cheers, Tom