This is long over due....

Title: Witness
By: Lee Asher

(This is a review of the Witness Download)

After having a card selected, your spectator holds a zip lock bag with Joker sealed inside. The Joker, held securely between the spectator's palms, 'transforms' into the selection! Never once is the bag opened. Everything can be handed out for examination. (Note. There can be another card instead of the Joker)

The Intro.
We get to see a full performance of Witness, unfortunately there is only one performance :( but it doesnt matter much. You do get to see the end though, or the after thoughts of the trick from 3 other groups of people

After the performances, Lee goes on to talk about how the effect came to be what it is today.

The Set Up.
Yes, there is a set up. But once your set, you are ready to go, the only problem is that the restart cannot be done in front of your spectators. Ok, back to the set up. This is extremely easy to do. There is something you will need but I can 100% guaranty that you will have this. Oh, and of course you will need a ziplock bag. Lee explains all this very well, and it is very easy to follow.

The Move #1
Most of you that have been into card magic for a while now will know this move. If you havent Lee teaches you to very important Sleights that you can use for this routine. These Sleights can also be used in any other routine you have. The Move is very easy to do. One is slightly hard than the other, but is more convincing. (It isnt as hard as lets say, a pass.)

The Bag.
Lee goes over the handling of the bag, how you can let the audience see that the Joker (or what ever card your using), is definitely inside that bag. Again this is very easy. Lee also goes over some subtleties that will help improve the effect.

The Move #2
Lee goes over the other move you will need to know in this effect. Again, as Ive said many times before, its extremely easy. Lee goes over important subtleties that will make the move as natural as possible, no one will catch on to this. I have never been called on it. Once you have done the move, the rest of the effect is just presentation, which is where you come in....

Lee goes over some basic presentation, he doesnt give you a set of lines to follow and read, thats not the point. He wants you to go out there and make this effect your own, present it your own unique way. Lee talks about how you can build this effect to make it more powerful and hard hitting.

Final Thoughts.
Lee goes over a few last tips about the revelation to, again, make this effect hit hard.

This whole DVD/DL is pretty much is about taking something simple and making it one of the most hard hitting effects you own. I highly recommend this, for beginners and Pros. This has gone straight into my routine as one of my closers. And one more thing, one of the best things is.... You are completely clean.....

Cheers, Tom