Four By Huron Low: Four different torn and restored card effects that will suit any one.

(I will go over the Gimmick, then the method)
(There are to ways to view the explanations, from the front or a P.O.V, I will just review the front view, there arnt much different, except Huron may give tips in only one view, like Huron says, it best to watch both)

What you will need: Craft Knife, Glue, Tape, Deck of Cards, Sharpie (There are some extras needed, but I will say what they are in the Gimmick part)

"The angel at the back of a signed bicycle card is colored a solid black with permanent ink. With a gentle wave, the ink on the angel visually fades away, morphing back into the angel" (Ok this is the only non-TnR)

The Gimmick.
Ok, the gimmick I am not able, really to make this at the mo because you will need some double backers. (that shouldn't be exposure, cause you don't know how many you need or what you have to do with them) And I don't have any at the moment.
The Gimmick, like FiTH is easy to make, like Ive said in all the other gimmicks on FiTH you wont have any trouble making it, unless you don't have to stuff I told you to get.

The handling for this is very easy, no misdirection needed, all you need to know is one easy move, (simple move) and how to use the gimmick, which again is very easy. All the moves are natural and everything is well hidden away, without the use of difficult cover.
And when you fade away the ink, you only need to do one move to end clean in your hands and hand the card out. You will also need one more move if you want to hand the deck out, but if you've already handled card gimmicks before, then this should be no problem.

Extra Idea
Huron give you a suer cool way to "Ink Morph to Card Value", basically, the Black spot changes into words that say "4S" (4 of Spades)

Angel Redux
The angel at the back of a signed, freely selected bicycle card is clearly sliced out by a pen knife, leaving a circular hole in the selection. With a gentle wave, the angel visually and gradually regenerates in full view, making the card whole once again.

Pretty much the same gimmick as Angel, except for one small difference. You can easily make this gimmick, if you can make Angel's gimmick, you can make this no sweat. Yes, you will need some double backers.

Pretty much exactly the same handling as Angel, except you show the piece being removed from the card. Easy.

Extra Idea:
Different Handling for removing the cut out, very easy to do. ( I need a better word than easy)

A signed card is folded in half and has it's middle ripped out. First the ripped out piece teleports from the magician's pocket to the destroyed card, fully restoring it. Then the piece is ripped out again, and placed in the magician's mouth. He spits it out at the torn area, visually restoring the card, with absolutely no cover.

The gimmick is simple to make. ( See I didn't use "easy" :P ) You will need some tape for this, and there is no pre ripping cards or anything like that, its nice and easy (D'oh!)

Ok, this handling is very natural and all the moves done have a reason behind them. The gimmick is easy to use, there are only two moves to learn and a clean up. This effect is the second hardest effect on the DVD (I reckon), but Huron explains the handling well and is easy to follow. This is effect and Making Ends Meets are the only effects that have a sort of big clean up (well bigger than the Angels, sort of like FiTH). If you have Torn (or probably any other TnR) you should be alright with the clean up. Not really sure what else to say.

Extra Idea.
Huron just shows you a way to make the effect more convincing.

Making Ends Meet
The First "mismatch" style piece by piece ever.....A signed card is clearly ripped up, and mismatched at every phase of restoration, correction itself as it goes along..... until the end. There's even a phase where a wrongly restored piece steadily slides by its fibers over to the correct side.For the finale, the last piece is that the piece the spectator has been holding the whole time, suddenly changes in color , permanently mismatching it from the rest of the card.

There are two versions of Making Ends Meet, A 3/4 version with a mismatch piece (detached), Huron Explains on the DVD, why he stops at a 3 piece restoration, and he reason are dam good. There is also a full restoration with a mismatched piece (attached)

3/4 Restore Handling
(Note, you will be losing a few cards when you practice)The set up. The set up for this involves bringing out a gimmick. Now if you own Torn, you should have no troubles with it. Of you don't, then its not hard to do, if you know some basic misdirection, or if you just act natural, no one is going to call you on it.Ok, for those of you who own Torn, I think this method will remind you slightly of that. (For one move).

First Move. Bringing the Gimmick into play. This move is not hard, but will take some practice for it to look smooth. Its not that hard, so shouldn't take that long. Second Move. This is the second tear. This looks very clean, and again its easy to do, but will take some practice to make it look smooth. Which I think this effect is all about, looking smooth and clean. Third Move. Third tear. Extremely easy to do, you should have no troubles with this.

First Restoration. Now this is where I got reminded of Torn. If you can do Torn, this move is as easy as pie. If you don't, then it's not that difficult to do, it just requires the right finger placement. And again, smoothness.Second Restoration. This is the piece that first gets restored wrong, and then fixes it's self. This Restoration is probably the easiest, not much really to say on that. To get the piece to fix it's self is easy, but to make it look good will take some time. There are two ways to fix the piece, one is a slow movement to the other side of the card. The other is a quick snap. Both methods are done using the same principle, they are just done at different speeds.

[B]Clean Up[/B]The clean up reminds me of FiTH. Basically, like Ive said before, if you've got experience in ditching gimmicks (this one is very small, about half the size of a playing card) then you should have no troubles with this, if you don't, then you will need to practice this.

Ok so there is my review of FOUR. I still need to do the full restoration. Which I don't practically feel like doing now because I'm ill. Will do it later.

This DVD isn't really recommended for complete beginners, you need to have some magic time under your belt first. Ask questions and I will answer.

Cheers, Tom