Hey Guys and Girls, heres a site you should check out, The Magic Review.com
(Their doing a comp. at the moment where you can win some Wynns and $150 for ANY magic Store)

"Most sites currently have a review system, but many are reviewed by biased purchasers, or younger magicians who do not perform these effects on the public, more to their family, making the review worthless to a working magician. I want to change this.

The Reviews do not just stop at effects or tricks though.

Effects, Cards, Local Magic Shops, Lectures, Performances.

These will all be reviewed completely, and in some cases, this is where you will help. I have selected several magicians from various means to help build these reviews, and over the next few weeks they will slowly be uploaded onto the site.

There is one big difference with our reviews though, especially with the effects and cards. They will be watched, practised, used, performed, and put under tough tests over weeks to get the very best review. A completely honest unbiased review will be given, with the opportunity for the creator to reply to this review, and together for us all to work together to improve it in any way possible."

Check It Out.

Cheers Tom