I know I havent posted much over the last month, but nothing has really interested me enough to post about. So Ill will tell you what Ive been up to;

At school, I am working on a talent show, that will hopefully, if all goes to plan, be able to run over the whole year. So I am going to be hosting that with a friend and it should turn out great.

At home, Ive been working on a few things, Ive been practising Making Ends Meet and also, Greg Wilsons Time Travel Routine. Also, my Grand-parents, who have been over here (NZ) for a bit are leaving soon, and they want to film some of my magic so they can take it back to England to show the rest of the family. So I should have a video up soon. Its been over a year since I last made a video, all of my cameras have broke.

Other than that not alot has been happening. So yeah.

And for those of you who havent seen this. Here....

"Over the past four weeks, a series of images was released around the theory11 site. Some of which were hidden; some of which were visible. These images were the first glimpses of the unreleased Bicycle Centurions.
Check out the theory11 forums this coming Monday, March 3rd at 11:00pm EST for a special announcement regarding the Bicycle Centurions by the theory11 creative team."
Cheers, Tom