Ok guys, its the 1st of may, time for a contest.

Heres the deal. What Me and Blink would like you all to do is to make a video. Not just any video, a video showing us your style.

Your style of Magic Or Flourishing.

Here are the rules:

  • The video theme must be about "Your Style"
  • The video must be no longer than 3 minutes long.
  • The video title must be just one word describing "Your Style"
  • The video can include both Magic and Flourishing
  • The video must be family friendly.

(Failure to follow the rules will result in a disqualification)

Once you have made your video, upload it to a video site. Eg. http://www.youtube.com/ ,

Then either email me, Twozwozer@hotmail.com , with your Name, Email and video link, with the subject titled, "Video Contest Entry".

Or submit through the Magic Review contact page. With your Name, Email and video link and with the subject "Video Contest Entry"

There will be prizes for the best video/s.

(Prizes will be confirmed during this week. )

If you have any questions feel free to email me or contact Blink (through the Magic Review.com) and we will answer them ASAP.

Happy Video Making.

Cheers, Tom