Tom Powell's Blog of Today
This blog is about me and my happenings in life...

Top Youtube Video of May

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

(I know it's slightly late)

Here is the video which makes me smile every time I see it....

This one was closely followed by...

Cheers, Tom


Chris's Birthday in the City.

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Well today I had to get up at 8am (!) and go get some cash out for the bus to the city, because today was the day where Chris graced the world with his presence. So I managed to get a Child ticket to the city and met up with Chris half way there, we got to the city, had a quick stop off in KoC and then headed up to the Metro where we bumped into Chris's friend Clare.

Off to the Metro we continued, we managed to get there in one piece and met up with everyone else and head to the French Pancake place.

Here's what Chris got......

Yummy! So me and Chris had 3 pancakes and we were going to have a contest but being students we don't have enough money. After the pancakes we went up to the arcade and I rocked out on Guitar Hero for a bit....

And I nailed 3 songs on expert and got the high scores :D

And that's pretty much it for now. I shall speak to you peeps laters.

Cheers, Tom


Starting up again....

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Well it's been a year since my last post here and I thought it was time to start this thing up again. There's going to be some changes, not sure what yet. But I'm going to have a mess around and see what I can do.

Speak to you soon.

Cheers, Tom


Important Contest UPDATE

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Hey all, here an update.

The videos received so far, have been incredible.
5 Entries have been received, but they have all been brilliant and we look forward to seeing more.

'Flashy', 'Technical', 'Creativity', 'Unique' and 'Elegance'

We have also updated the prizes

Second: CoinTwo by Homer Liwag

Third: Believe (DVD) by Joel Paschall

As well as the massive first prize.

Because of this we have extended the closing date until the 15th of June.

Have Fun and remember, any questions, email me at

Cheers, Tom


Mid May News

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Hey everyone, I hope everything is going good. This is my first update in a while.
Well, what has happened this month?
I finally did my act for North Shore City Magician's Club, and I got accepted into the club. (yay).

Over at Ellusionist.
Flow (By Dan Hauss and Paul Harris) has now been released. Check it out.

Over at Theory 11
Believe (By Joel Paschall) is avalible now!
Five Speed and Unicoin (Both By Chris Kenner) are avalible now for download on T11's 1-on-1 section. And remember, tonight, a new 1-on-1 will be released at 11pm EST.

Over at PenguinMagic
Jay Noblezada has decided to release a follow up dvd to "In The Beggining There Were Coins."
called "MONEY" which shall release on May 23, 2008.

Over at
Dan has released two new Ebooks,
THOUGHTS OF A MADMAN (Concepts and effects of close up deception and illusion by Randall Freeman + Daniel Madison)
And III (Three) The final admission of the best selling underground trilogy of journals on modern, close-up, underground subterfuge and deception.

Thats about all I can think of at the mo, and heres my favourite video of the month so far.
Cheers. Tom (Remember video contest closes May 31st EST, get you entries into me at


Contest: The Prizes

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Ok, well heres something to work towards, the prizes for the winner;

All of the above is up for grabs, and dependant on the amount of entries, 2nd and 3rd Prizes will also be given.

So get out there and start filming!

Cheers, Tom

(Remember, dont for get to check out too)


Contest Help: Stlye

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Got a question the other day, (Blink answered it). I thought it would help everyone.

"What do you mean style? Like skater, emo, goth? Can you explain? I don't get it."

"'Style' could be defined by a lot of things. Check out:

That will give you an idea on the sort of things we are looking for.

Style can be defined by each person in a different way, but what I would bethinking of would be more of your style of magic.

If you take this as Cards/Coin/Close Up. Or take it to the next level withmore details such as 'Smooth' 'Fire' 'Vanish' etc.

Its up to you on how you take 'Style' and part of the contest will bejudged on the style. But the main part, is upon the context of the video(The actual video) lol.

Cheers for the email, and feel free to ask any more questions througheither email, or the site!"

Well, I hope that helps. Again, if you have any more question, feel free to email me, comment on my blog, or contact Blink through

Remember, deadline is May 31st.

Cheers, Tom