Tom Powell's Blog of Today
This blog is about me and my happenings in life...

Important Contest UPDATE

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Hey all, here an update.

The videos received so far, have been incredible.
5 Entries have been received, but they have all been brilliant and we look forward to seeing more.

'Flashy', 'Technical', 'Creativity', 'Unique' and 'Elegance'

We have also updated the prizes

Second: CoinTwo by Homer Liwag

Third: Believe (DVD) by Joel Paschall

As well as the massive first prize.

Because of this we have extended the closing date until the 15th of June.

Have Fun and remember, any questions, email me at

Cheers, Tom


Mid May News

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Hey everyone, I hope everything is going good. This is my first update in a while.
Well, what has happened this month?
I finally did my act for North Shore City Magician's Club, and I got accepted into the club. (yay).

Over at Ellusionist.
Flow (By Dan Hauss and Paul Harris) has now been released. Check it out.

Over at Theory 11
Believe (By Joel Paschall) is avalible now!
Five Speed and Unicoin (Both By Chris Kenner) are avalible now for download on T11's 1-on-1 section. And remember, tonight, a new 1-on-1 will be released at 11pm EST.

Over at PenguinMagic
Jay Noblezada has decided to release a follow up dvd to "In The Beggining There Were Coins."
called "MONEY" which shall release on May 23, 2008.

Over at
Dan has released two new Ebooks,
THOUGHTS OF A MADMAN (Concepts and effects of close up deception and illusion by Randall Freeman + Daniel Madison)
And III (Three) The final admission of the best selling underground trilogy of journals on modern, close-up, underground subterfuge and deception.

Thats about all I can think of at the mo, and heres my favourite video of the month so far.
Cheers. Tom (Remember video contest closes May 31st EST, get you entries into me at


Contest: The Prizes

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Ok, well heres something to work towards, the prizes for the winner;

All of the above is up for grabs, and dependant on the amount of entries, 2nd and 3rd Prizes will also be given.

So get out there and start filming!

Cheers, Tom

(Remember, dont for get to check out too)


Contest Help: Stlye

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Got a question the other day, (Blink answered it). I thought it would help everyone.

"What do you mean style? Like skater, emo, goth? Can you explain? I don't get it."

"'Style' could be defined by a lot of things. Check out:

That will give you an idea on the sort of things we are looking for.

Style can be defined by each person in a different way, but what I would bethinking of would be more of your style of magic.

If you take this as Cards/Coin/Close Up. Or take it to the next level withmore details such as 'Smooth' 'Fire' 'Vanish' etc.

Its up to you on how you take 'Style' and part of the contest will bejudged on the style. But the main part, is upon the context of the video(The actual video) lol.

Cheers for the email, and feel free to ask any more questions througheither email, or the site!"

Well, I hope that helps. Again, if you have any more question, feel free to email me, comment on my blog, or contact Blink through

Remember, deadline is May 31st.

Cheers, Tom


Blink and Twozwozer's Video Contest!

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Ok guys, its the 1st of may, time for a contest.

Heres the deal. What Me and Blink would like you all to do is to make a video. Not just any video, a video showing us your style.

Your style of Magic Or Flourishing.

Here are the rules:

  • The video theme must be about "Your Style"
  • The video must be no longer than 3 minutes long.
  • The video title must be just one word describing "Your Style"
  • The video can include both Magic and Flourishing
  • The video must be family friendly.

(Failure to follow the rules will result in a disqualification)

Once you have made your video, upload it to a video site. Eg. ,

Then either email me, , with your Name, Email and video link, with the subject titled, "Video Contest Entry".

Or submit through the Magic Review contact page. With your Name, Email and video link and with the subject "Video Contest Entry"

There will be prizes for the best video/s.

(Prizes will be confirmed during this week. )

If you have any questions feel free to email me or contact Blink (through the Magic and we will answer them ASAP.

Happy Video Making.

Cheers, Tom



Contest Update!

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Righto. Ive been talking to a certain Mr Matt Tarrant, aka 'Blink'. (Matt is the founder/creator of And we've decided to join together for this contest.

The contest we had in mind is a video contest. A video contst where anyone can enter. (Magicians and Flourishers). Now this won't be random video contest, there will be a theme that everyone will have to follow by.

And yes, there will be prizes.

The release date for all the information you will need (Rules, Theme, all that jazz) Will be (hopefully) 1/5/08, or for all the US readers, 5/1/08.

So stay tuned.

Cheers, Tom



Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Hey Everyone. I have a spare copy of Theory 11's Control By Wayne Houchin (and maybe some Brown Wynns and other stuff) to give away. So I thought, why not have a contest. The only problem is though I have no idea what to do for a contest.

Im going to have a think over this week or so and Ill probably have an idea for a contest by then. So if you would like to win some free stuff post your comments here and stay tuned for contest.

Cheers, Tom


Mid April News.

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

So far, it been quiet a busy april.
We've had the lanch of Ultra Gaff, which made the Ellusionist servers crash after 15 mins.

The final sale of Brown Wynns on Theory 11 is over.

Ellusionist have put a release date up for the Black Ghost (2nd Ed.) Which is the 22nd of April.

Theory 11 have also released a limited supply of David Blaine's Split Spade : Lions Playing Cards. ($6.95 a deck, with discount as you buy more). Also they come in Red, Blue or Black.

We have also been given a released date for Flow, which should be out on the 12th of May, if I remember rightly. If you havent seen the trailer, check it out now on This will only be released at Ellusionist, Paper Crane and Paul Harris's Site.

My favourite video for this month would have to be, "The Magic of The Rings" by Jay Sankey. A brilliant video, couldnt stop watching it. Check it here.....

For those who have been waiting, Justin Miller has finally released his All Access Backstage DVD. "With 10 full routines and for the first time ever Justin is tipping his underground packet switch-Four On The Floor!". And the price is only $20 including shipping. Get this while you can.

And finally, to any one who wants to know, the free products you get from Penguin Magic for voting for Austin are ; "Magic Square with Luke Jermay" and "Go Pro with Tom Krzystof: Tables, Cases and Gear (Volumes 1 and 2)"

Cheers, Tom


March and April

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Heres a qucik overview of March (stuff that interested me).

Over at Theory 11 we had the release of Tom Isaacson's "Prophet" Which is a very visual, gimmicked bill change. We also had 4 1on1 released, the best one IMO was Shifty, Chris Kenner's Gimmick-less rising card, which is like Danny Garcia's Fallen.

Speaking of Danny.G, he new effect, Torn Too was releasing on Penguin avaible now as Download, there are preorders for the DVD which will release April 21st. If you order the DVD now, you get the Download for free.

Also this month, Daniel Madison released his new PDF; Identity. "A COLLECTION OF DANIEL MADISONS' CREATIONS, PROPS, GIMMICKS, GAFFS AND EFFECTS THAT YOU CAN MAKE AND DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES" These effects include effect that were orginally on his site but were taken off, llike Devil's Touch, Breach, EightTwo, Memento, CUT and RIP. Check out D+M's site for more. Also, check out his site for his new competition.


This is going to be one of the most antiscipated months for some people. This month Ellusionist are releasing the UltraGaff Deck with the 3 DVD Disc set, plus the Black Ghost Deck (2nd Edition) Check out or come check back here where Ill have all the news I can get my hands on for Ultra Gaff.

Cheers, Tom


Torn Too By Daniel Garcia

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Torn Too, not Torn Two. A strolling/walk-about T&R.

Avalible now at Penguin As DVD or Download or Both.

Cheers, Tom


Backhand Experiment By Ineski

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Oh yeah, Im not going to be able to do my Act for the club in April. Grrr. A school Drama trip I HAVE to go on, is on the same day and time as the Act would be on. Guess Ill have to do it next month.

Cheers, Tom


Long time, no post.

By Twozwozer

I thought it should be time for an update, I havent really had much to talk about. But I did win my first contest ever the other day. I won 3 free packs of Theory 11's new Bicycle Centurions, all thanks to Matt AKA Blink from The Magic Review. So Im sure Ill have something to say about them when they arrive.

Speaking of cards, the other day my Brown Wynns finally arrived after waiting nearly 2 months for the package to arrive. They are pretty cool, too stiff for me at the moment, and after under 12 hours Ive had them opened, they have already started to wrap. So Ive just stuck them under a heavy box and we shall see what will happen to them.

On the first of April I have my initiationact for my magic club. Im planning a time travel sort of routine, using an ACR, the classic Time Machine effect and Im going to close with Greg Wilson's Flash Back.

Im also very excited, because Ive finally decided to order a chop cup, this is going to be my first piece of stage magic and it is something that I will be able to busk with. Outside where I work, we get lots of people coming with music to busk, now Im going to change things up and bit and show the people of NZ that there are some magicians in this country.

Cheers, Tom


I know I havent posted much over the last month, but nothing has really interested me enough to post about. So Ill will tell you what Ive been up to;

At school, I am working on a talent show, that will hopefully, if all goes to plan, be able to run over the whole year. So I am going to be hosting that with a friend and it should turn out great.

At home, Ive been working on a few things, Ive been practising Making Ends Meet and also, Greg Wilsons Time Travel Routine. Also, my Grand-parents, who have been over here (NZ) for a bit are leaving soon, and they want to film some of my magic so they can take it back to England to show the rest of the family. So I should have a video up soon. Its been over a year since I last made a video, all of my cameras have broke.

Other than that not alot has been happening. So yeah.

And for those of you who havent seen this. Here....

"Over the past four weeks, a series of images was released around the theory11 site. Some of which were hidden; some of which were visible. These images were the first glimpses of the unreleased Bicycle Centurions.
Check out the theory11 forums this coming Monday, March 3rd at 11:00pm EST for a special announcement regarding the Bicycle Centurions by the theory11 creative team."
Cheers, Tom


Hey, This teaser video has just been posted for Theory 11's Bicycle 909 Centurions. Check out the video here.

Heres, the first picture I found at this place here...

Maybe post a comment to say thanks :D

Cheers, Tom


How would you like to be able to win some Wynns! Well now you can and all you have to do is tkae a photo! Now before you go dashing off to your cameras there are some rules that you will need to read....

-Only one pic per participant.

-The pic must contain at least a playing card or a deck of cards or anything related to playing cards (symbols, court guys running around or whatever).

-Only submisions to with the subject My Photo will be allowed for the contest.

-Emails must include your full name and nickname/screen name (if you have).

-Deadline is 29 February 2008.

Now that you have read the rules, Im sure you want to start shooting.... But wouldnt you like know what the prizes are?

1st place: 12 Decks of Wynn Playing cards (6 red / 6 Blue)
2nd place: 8 Decks of Wynn Playing cards (4 red / 4 Blue)
3rd place: 4 Decks of Wynn Playing cards (2 red / 2 Blue)

As well as these main prizes, there are also some runner up prizes.....

Funniest pic: If you think you have THE pic that would make us laugh our asses out.
Most Artistic: If your pic has the best colours, lights or photoshop effects.
Most Original: If you did Pandora while jumping off a bridge bungee style.

The 3 runner ups will get The Cuso's Nebula tutorial and some other unreleased clips from him.

Right now you can go, have fun and be safe. Remember the dead line is 29th of Feb!

Cheers, Tom


Four By Huron Low

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Four By Huron Low: Four different torn and restored card effects that will suit any one.

(I will go over the Gimmick, then the method)
(There are to ways to view the explanations, from the front or a P.O.V, I will just review the front view, there arnt much different, except Huron may give tips in only one view, like Huron says, it best to watch both)

What you will need: Craft Knife, Glue, Tape, Deck of Cards, Sharpie (There are some extras needed, but I will say what they are in the Gimmick part)

"The angel at the back of a signed bicycle card is colored a solid black with permanent ink. With a gentle wave, the ink on the angel visually fades away, morphing back into the angel" (Ok this is the only non-TnR)

The Gimmick.
Ok, the gimmick I am not able, really to make this at the mo because you will need some double backers. (that shouldn't be exposure, cause you don't know how many you need or what you have to do with them) And I don't have any at the moment.
The Gimmick, like FiTH is easy to make, like Ive said in all the other gimmicks on FiTH you wont have any trouble making it, unless you don't have to stuff I told you to get.

The handling for this is very easy, no misdirection needed, all you need to know is one easy move, (simple move) and how to use the gimmick, which again is very easy. All the moves are natural and everything is well hidden away, without the use of difficult cover.
And when you fade away the ink, you only need to do one move to end clean in your hands and hand the card out. You will also need one more move if you want to hand the deck out, but if you've already handled card gimmicks before, then this should be no problem.

Extra Idea
Huron give you a suer cool way to "Ink Morph to Card Value", basically, the Black spot changes into words that say "4S" (4 of Spades)

Angel Redux
The angel at the back of a signed, freely selected bicycle card is clearly sliced out by a pen knife, leaving a circular hole in the selection. With a gentle wave, the angel visually and gradually regenerates in full view, making the card whole once again.

Pretty much the same gimmick as Angel, except for one small difference. You can easily make this gimmick, if you can make Angel's gimmick, you can make this no sweat. Yes, you will need some double backers.

Pretty much exactly the same handling as Angel, except you show the piece being removed from the card. Easy.

Extra Idea:
Different Handling for removing the cut out, very easy to do. ( I need a better word than easy)

A signed card is folded in half and has it's middle ripped out. First the ripped out piece teleports from the magician's pocket to the destroyed card, fully restoring it. Then the piece is ripped out again, and placed in the magician's mouth. He spits it out at the torn area, visually restoring the card, with absolutely no cover.

The gimmick is simple to make. ( See I didn't use "easy" :P ) You will need some tape for this, and there is no pre ripping cards or anything like that, its nice and easy (D'oh!)

Ok, this handling is very natural and all the moves done have a reason behind them. The gimmick is easy to use, there are only two moves to learn and a clean up. This effect is the second hardest effect on the DVD (I reckon), but Huron explains the handling well and is easy to follow. This is effect and Making Ends Meets are the only effects that have a sort of big clean up (well bigger than the Angels, sort of like FiTH). If you have Torn (or probably any other TnR) you should be alright with the clean up. Not really sure what else to say.

Extra Idea.
Huron just shows you a way to make the effect more convincing.

Making Ends Meet
The First "mismatch" style piece by piece ever.....A signed card is clearly ripped up, and mismatched at every phase of restoration, correction itself as it goes along..... until the end. There's even a phase where a wrongly restored piece steadily slides by its fibers over to the correct side.For the finale, the last piece is that the piece the spectator has been holding the whole time, suddenly changes in color , permanently mismatching it from the rest of the card.

There are two versions of Making Ends Meet, A 3/4 version with a mismatch piece (detached), Huron Explains on the DVD, why he stops at a 3 piece restoration, and he reason are dam good. There is also a full restoration with a mismatched piece (attached)

3/4 Restore Handling
(Note, you will be losing a few cards when you practice)The set up. The set up for this involves bringing out a gimmick. Now if you own Torn, you should have no troubles with it. Of you don't, then its not hard to do, if you know some basic misdirection, or if you just act natural, no one is going to call you on it.Ok, for those of you who own Torn, I think this method will remind you slightly of that. (For one move).

First Move. Bringing the Gimmick into play. This move is not hard, but will take some practice for it to look smooth. Its not that hard, so shouldn't take that long. Second Move. This is the second tear. This looks very clean, and again its easy to do, but will take some practice to make it look smooth. Which I think this effect is all about, looking smooth and clean. Third Move. Third tear. Extremely easy to do, you should have no troubles with this.

First Restoration. Now this is where I got reminded of Torn. If you can do Torn, this move is as easy as pie. If you don't, then it's not that difficult to do, it just requires the right finger placement. And again, smoothness.Second Restoration. This is the piece that first gets restored wrong, and then fixes it's self. This Restoration is probably the easiest, not much really to say on that. To get the piece to fix it's self is easy, but to make it look good will take some time. There are two ways to fix the piece, one is a slow movement to the other side of the card. The other is a quick snap. Both methods are done using the same principle, they are just done at different speeds.

[B]Clean Up[/B]The clean up reminds me of FiTH. Basically, like Ive said before, if you've got experience in ditching gimmicks (this one is very small, about half the size of a playing card) then you should have no troubles with this, if you don't, then you will need to practice this.

Ok so there is my review of FOUR. I still need to do the full restoration. Which I don't practically feel like doing now because I'm ill. Will do it later.

This DVD isn't really recommended for complete beginners, you need to have some magic time under your belt first. Ask questions and I will answer.

Cheers, Tom


The Magic Review

By Twozwozer

Hey Guys and Girls, heres a site you should check out, The Magic
(Their doing a comp. at the moment where you can win some Wynns and $150 for ANY magic Store)

"Most sites currently have a review system, but many are reviewed by biased purchasers, or younger magicians who do not perform these effects on the public, more to their family, making the review worthless to a working magician. I want to change this.

The Reviews do not just stop at effects or tricks though.

Effects, Cards, Local Magic Shops, Lectures, Performances.

These will all be reviewed completely, and in some cases, this is where you will help. I have selected several magicians from various means to help build these reviews, and over the next few weeks they will slowly be uploaded onto the site.

There is one big difference with our reviews though, especially with the effects and cards. They will be watched, practised, used, performed, and put under tough tests over weeks to get the very best review. A completely honest unbiased review will be given, with the opportunity for the creator to reply to this review, and together for us all to work together to improve it in any way possible."

Check It Out.

Cheers Tom


Fallen By Daniel Garcia UPDATE

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Just incase you didnt know, the offical release for Fallen is on January 22nd 12pm PST.

Cheers, Tom


Fallen By Daniel Garcia

Posted In: , . By Twozwozer

As some of you may have seen DG is releasing a new effect (through Ellusionist) Fallen. Check the trailer Here
Fallen is the ultimate closer for your ACR (Ambitious Card Routine) You take the signed card, place it into the middle and watch the card slowly....melt through all the other cards... all the way to the top...

No Gimmicks.
No Jerky Movements
Everything can be examined.

On the Theory 11 Forums , there were lots of people speculating about price, amount of content on the DVD and such. Luckily Danny came to our rescue and cleared everything up for us. (Except for a release date!)

"Hey guys...

i hope all is well and that everyone is having a GREAT new year. It has been a while since i have released anything and i would like to thank all of those who have supported me. As you my know i am a BIG believer in not just releasing an effect for the sake of releasing an effect. All the projects i have released so far have been routines taken directly from my repetior and items that i have been performing for years.

With that, FALLEN is no exception. It has been a piece in my ACR for years and i have gotten GREAT reactions from it. For all of those who feel as though this effect didn't "fry" you...that is perfectly ok... you guys are magicians...hahah and i don't expect to fool you guys every time. For those of you who would like to learn ALL the subtleties and little touched that makes this illusion work, FALLEN will be available VERY SOON!

Now i am with all of you and think that the pricing of this should reflect the product...with that said, i would like for you to know that FALLEN will NOT be priced as a standard one trick DVD... it will be much less than $30...less than $25... even less than $20 (and no it's not a cheating $19.95 )

i thank all of you who have supported me in the past and i hope that you like FALLEN and everything else that i have cooked up for this year.

Thanks,Daniel Garcia"

If anyone is looking to start up and ACR I highly recommend Crash Course 2, which can be found Here, Not only does it teach everything you need to know to perform a brilliant ACR it will also teach you sleights that you can use in other routines besides the ACR, this has to be one of the best DVD Ive picked up so far.

Cheers, Tom


Fournier 818 By Ineski

Posted In: . By Twozwozer

Very Sweet Effect.

Cheers, Tom


Video Footage.

By Twozwozer

Ok, somewhere, out there. There is footage of me performing and getting some killer reactions, Im going to try and find it and I will post it here. Stay Tuned.

Cheers, Tom


Merry Christmas Everyone, and a Happy New Year to all.

Thanks to everyone is has been readin my post and come on. Subcribe!
The more subcribers I have, the more I will post.

Cheers, Tom